Monday 30 July 2012


So in the spirit of the Olympics I have been lining up all my projects (much like a pentathlon) to get through at Stitch n Bitch in a couple of weeks time.

I have been getting loads of inspiration at the moment from Pinterest (yes I am addicted). These are currently in my top 10.....

Chalkboard paint + silver trays = cool noticeboard

Been a while since I made some crazy critters - soon we will have a crazy baby critter in our family so I need to get my sew on

Great way to jazz up mugs as gifts or to personalise a mug for the office

Nothing but letters and white paint - one for those novice crafters.

I have loads of cutoffs and remnants of fabric lying around and this is a great way to use them up

Found a cute matryoska pattern that I have been meaning to cross stitch

Something to whip up quickly and it doesn't matter if you suck at painting as it adds to the charm

Been meaning to jazz up my sewing space for a while and this is a great way to display novelty sewing items

This is a little bit sewing little bit drawing - but looks a whole lotta cool

I have so many favourite songs that it would be hard to pick just one!

There seems to be a lot of things for the home - I'm in such a decorating mood and with spring just around the corner there is no better excuse to have an early spring clean.

Hope you all take away some inspiration from this.

Till next time.
Nic x x

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