Monday, 28 November 2011

Shoes glorious shoes

Well I have stuck to my no clothes shopping deal (almost 2 months now - so proud of myself and Mazzy for battling through) but that does not extend to shoes!

I came across these in Nine West when I was waiting for the girls to go and see Twilight - Breaking Dawn (yes I am a closet Twilight fan). Fell in love with them on the first stride. Couldn't decide between yellow or black and opted for the yellow. I have never had a pair of shoes this comfortable before, wear them all day at work and then out after, bliss.

Had to restrain myself the next day from going back and buying them in black as well. However, hehe I did get a pair of royal blue summer sandals from Zara and a tan pair of thick strapped sandals too.... 

Think thats my sandal collection set for summer, now bring on the warmer weather.

Till next time.
Nic xx

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!!! I like your blog!
    You have another follower Now!!
    I’m very happy if you follow me too!
    Have a nice day!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela
